Paleo Bacon Butternut Squash Puree


My husband recently took me out to eat for my birthday at a really nice steakhouse and I ordered their butternut squash puree and was blown away by how good it was.  I don’t think it was really Paleo because it tasted like it had heavy cream in it, so I had to make a Paleo version, and I must this, it came out really good!

Paleo Bacon Butternut Squash Puree

2.5 lbs butternut squash

3/4 cup coconut spread or butter, melted

1 small yellow onion

1 package nitrate free bacon

1 tbsp minced garlic

1 cup gluten free chicken broth

4 tbsp coconut nectar or sweetener of your choice

Bake butternut squash in oven on 350 for about 1 hour 15 minutes till soft. Let cool. Peel the onion and throw in a food processor and mix well.  Scoop out seeds from the squash and scoop out the squash and throw in the food processor. Cook your bacon over medium heat on the stove until crispy. Add the bacon into the food processor along with the rest of your ingredients. Mix well. Enjoy!

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